Any visitor to our website can write a product review. We do not verify the authenticity of the product review and therefore cannot guarantee its accuracy. The product rating is calculated based on all reviews across the countries in which JYSK operates.
Szőnyeg alatti csúszásgátló
Elégedettek vagyunk, ellátja a funkcoóját
Name: Timea
Written on
Splnila ucel
Dost tuha tvrda problem vyrovnat ju.
Name: M
Written on
Podložka protiskluzova
Nevyužili jsme ji, je určena pod koberec, použití naprimo např na lino nefunguje, neboť se podložka shrnuje.
Name: Václav
Written on
Prostě podložka
Výborná na podložení koberce, co si budem povídat…
Name: Jirka
Written on
Splnila účel
Splnila účel - jutový koberec sa už nešmýka..
Treba rátať s plastovým smradom - podložku som dal najskôr vyvetrať na balkón.
Škoda len, že jysk nevyrába tieto podložky namieru ku každému kobercu, ktorý zákazníci hodnotia, že je šmykľavý.
Teda táto podložka je (po mojom rozstrihnutí) použiteľná pod 2 jutové koberce, avšak okraje koberca zostanú bez podložky....
Ak by som bral iba jeden jutový koberec, zostalo by mi príliš veľa podložky = odpadu...
A keďže sa hráme na zelených, aj jysk by mohol robiť zelené ponuky.
When you shop online at JYSK, you can choose between a variety of delivery options either to a JYSK store near you or directly to your home or work:
Click & Collect – Free of charge
Click & Collect allows you to reserve products online and pick them up in a JYSK store of your choosing. When reserving products online JYSK will confirm that your order is ready to be collected within 30 minutes. Click & Collect means you don't have to pay for delivery, and you do not pay for your products until you pick up your order in the store.
Pick up in store – Free of charge
You have access to an even wider assortment online than you can find at our stores. If you want to buy online only products, just order and pay on our website and choose to have them delivered to a JYSK store of your choice.
You will be contacted by JYSK when your products are delivered to the store and ready to be picked up.
When buying big or heavy products such as mattresses, sofas or other kinds of furniture, a lot of customers prefer a home delivery.
JYSK cooperates with well-known and trusted cargo companies all over the world, in order to make sure that our delivery service is punctual.
Delivery from a JYSK store
We also offer a local home delivery service from our stores to all customers located in the UK. The delivery costs are estimated by the distance from our stores to your delivery address. We will contact you via SMS once your order has been dispatched with the local courier from the store. Please note that this delivery service is only available in-store.
Store only
JYSK is proud to offer our broad assortment in both our stores and online. However in some cases a specific product can only be purchased through Click & Collect or directly in our stores. This can be the case with fragile articles, articles going out of assortment or articles sold only for a short period of time.