The last year our work environment has changed a lot with virtual meetings becoming the new norm. Most of us have been working remote more than ever before and our kitchens and living rooms have become our new office.
Learn how you easily separate your workspace from your living space, so you can be professional when clocked in and relax when not.
1. Make a clear distinction between workspace and living space
Having a separate home office is not a luxury we all have and, therefore, it's important to make clear lines between work and free time. This means putting away your computer at the end of the workday. Do not have it placed on the dining room table but remove it from your eyesight. This will help your mind relax and recharge. Also, placing the computer out of sight will make you less inclined to work at night when you should relax.
A way to do this is to have a box or basket where you place all of your work items into after the working day is done. It might take five minutes longer, but your mind will thank you in the long run.

2. Organise your workspace once a day
Does it sound too time-consuming? It doesn’t have to be. Having a clean and organised workspace will boost your productivity, so it might end up helping you be more efficient. Start or end your workday with 10 minutes of tidying up. Remove used coffee mugs, organise yesterdays’ papers, wipe down the table, and clean up any clutter that will be in your eyesight.
This will help eliminate procrastination during the day and help you focus on your tasks. Boxes and baskets are perfect for organising your workspace.
3. Keep a professional appearance when working from home
We have become experts at online meetings, but it does set some requirements for the state of your home. Virtual meetings invite your colleagues inside your home and therefore it is a good idea to consider if you and your home are presentable.
Before a virtual meeting, it is a good idea to turn on your camera and see what is shown in the frame. Make sure it is work-appropriate and that it is not distracting - so no laundry and open wardrobes. If all fails and you run out of time, then use a virtual background this will keep the focus on you and hide potential clutter.
The three steps will contribute to a work environment that helps you focus during the workday and relax in your spare time. They might not be rocket science, but they work.
If you do have room for an office desk and office chair at home then read our guide: Choice of home office desk.