ILBRO wall shelves in bedroom

SMART living and clever storage ideas

In the absence of storage space, we often end up using the bedroom for storage - not only for extra duvets and pillows but also clothes, papers, magazines etc. Follow these tips, declutter your bedroom and get more storage, without compromising on the style and the overall expression.

1. Spend 30 minutes a week doing bedroom organisation and decluttering

Go through the room each week with a rubbish bag in your hand. Get rid of anything that you no longer use or need. Don't worry: You don’t have to throw anything away that you don’t want to! Create a “maybe” pile for things that you might want to keep. Finally, make a pile of things that don’t belong in the bedroom. It could be empty dishes, paperwork, or your children's toys. Don’t forget to look under your bed.

The more you get used to this routine, the less time it takes. When you are done, throw away the rubbish, and put the items from the “don’t belong in bedroom”-pile in their right place.

2. Forget around bed storage - go for in bed storage

This DREAMZONE® GOLD D100 2d Ottoman is an elegant solution with integrated storage space where summer duvets can be stored during the winter. In general, it is a great idea to get multi-purpose furniture for your home. 



If you can’t do without around bed storage, a wall shelf can be the perfect bedside table. They don’t take up any floor space and they make room for books, glasses and smartphones. 



3. Go through your wardobe


Many people keep their clothes in the bedroom. However, you don’t have to get a large wardrobe to fit clothes and underwear. The JENNET clothes rack can be used for shirts, pants, and dresses. You can store the rest of your clothes in a chest of drawers.

Spend 2 minutes every day tidying up your wardrobe

If you are anything like us, there are clothes that never quite end up the right place after you have worn them. Instead, they find a temporary home in a pile on a chair, or even the floor. A few habits can help you:

  • Each day, take 2 extra minutes to hang up your clothes, fold them and put them in the right drawer or in the right stack on your shelves.
  • Put dirty clothes in the hamper instead of an in-between pile on the floor.

Every 6 months, sort through your clothes  

Start with one category of clothing like tops or socks. Try on each item and consider if it still fits? It can take a while, but when you have tried on everything, you will have a great overview of what you actually need to keep.

Make a pile of things to keep and a pile of things to pass on. Textile manufacturing is highly resource-intensive so you should never throw out old clothes – always recycle.

Keep everything that fits and that you wear frequently. If you haven’t worn a pair of jeans for years or if they no longer fit or look good on you, pass them on.

Continue with shoes, accessories, bags etc.

Do you keep your clothes in the hallway? Get practical hallway storage ideas here

4. Go through your other drawers

When you are done going through your clothes, have a look at the rest of the content in your chest of drawers – one drawer at a time.

Again, make three piles: keep, pass on, and rubbish. Once you’re finished with one drawer, put all the “keep” items back.

Throw out the items in the “rubbish” pile and place the “pass on” pile into a bag and make a trip to your favourite charity shop.

Keep a drawer for any items that you want to keep for sentimental reasons: old love letters or drawings from your kids. If you find yourself lacking storage space, put more chests beside each other.

5. Clear all your surfaces

Go through any remaining surfaces that still have random items lying around. Do your best to truly clear everything. The only items that should be left are things with a function (for instance lamps) and a few pieces of decor. Keep any other belongings like jewellery, hand cream or sleeping mask in little boxes. It will create a wonderful, serene look in your bedroom.




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