Any visitor to our website can write a product review. We do not verify the authenticity of the product review and therefore cannot guarantee its accuracy. The product rating is calculated based on all reviews across the countries in which JYSK operates.
These voiles were just what I wanted and reasonably priced too. I searched all over for a plain voile and finally came across these so i bought 6 :)
Name: Emmalynne Hunter
Value for money
Received this today (x2) and I have put them up already. I like that you have the opinion to use the loops or the rod slot on top when hanging the net curtains. These are sheer but most net curtains are. The length is just right for my window. I’ve given it 4* as the material is quite thin.
Name: PetiteMama
Praktikus és esztétikus
Több méretben is elérhető kész függöny kedvező áron. Jó minőségű és jó kialakítású, remélem, sokáig díszíti az otthonunkat.
Name: Kitti
Written on
Perfecte afmeting, en mooi afgewerkt.
Name: Ivan Vandycke
Written on
Bol to rýchly nákup, bola som zvedavá na kvalitu a bola som milo prekvapená.
Priepustnosť denného svetla do miestnosti je perfektná.
Som spokojná s kúpou, odporúčam.
A cena je neuveriteľná (v iných obchodoch za takúto kvalitu zaplatíte oveľa viac)
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When buying big or heavy products such as mattresses, sofas or other kinds of furniture, a lot of customers prefer a home delivery.
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Store only
JYSK is proud to offer our broad assortment in both our stores and online. However in some cases a specific product can only be purchased through Click & Collect or directly in our stores. This can be the case with fragile articles, articles going out of assortment or articles sold only for a short period of time.